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The Silent Killer and My Recommitment to Self Care and Wellness

As a joke, Henry and I call those soft stinky farts, "the silent killer". After giving birth, due to getting gestational and postpartum hypertension, we learned that hypertension is the real "silent killer".

Initially, I was in a bit of denial that I could have hypertension. Especially since I truly believe I live a fairly healthy lifestyle with a supportive husband, a job that I love that has been the least stressful job ever (thank you FormeLife), and a relatively balanced diet.

Unfortunately, almost all the symptoms that doctors monitor to evaluate for signs of preeclampsia hit me and I had to go to the ER immediately after one week after being discharged from the labor & delivery hospital to go home with baby. There were lots of tears when they told me they were going to keep me overnight. As a new Mama, I was engorged, breastmilk was leaking everywhere, and since no visitors are allowed in the ER due to COVID-19 restrictions being away from baby was devastating.

We learned a few things about hypertension:

  1. Get sleep

  2. Prioritize sleep

  3. The diastolic number (the lower number/second number) indicates whether you're getting enough rest or sleep

Fortunately, we realize this is an early warning sign for both of us to take our health a bit more seriously. Well, Henry has always strived to be healthy and knows how to put his health first. I on the other hand have taken a lot for granted and don't tune in to my body's needs as much as I should. Babies have a way of making you rethink your priorities in life. I learned the hard way that I couldn't adequately take care of Abigail if I did not prioritize my wellness.

Side Note - the gift a child gave me is the joy of being the one that gets to show the magic of life and simple joys. The excitement of introducing a baby to a tiny wedge of lemon, a piece of ginger, or if you're feeling adventurous a bit of wasabi is priceless. If tasting food or different spices isn't your jam, little adventures like taking this little one to go ice skating, biking, flying a kite, swimming, and it's just endless new things magically added to your bucket list.

Wellness Goals

Absolute Must

  1. Drink Water sufficient* water daily

  2. Sleep 7 to 8 hours a night to regulate my mood and build my mental capacity back

  3. Stretch, Walk, Run, Yoga, and/or Swim at least 30 minutes total a day to get my blood circulating and force myself to just breathe

  4. Listen or Read books to feed continually my brain

*Sufficient Water - enough water to have light color urine, and hydrated and glowy skin

Nice to Have

  1. Skincare Routine for Day & Night

  2. Schedule in hobbies - at least 2 hours a week

  3. Mental Health Therapy - weekly

  4. Massage Therapy - once a month

  5. Food Awareness - Track what I consume on MyFitnessPal app

I found this post from March 2021 in my draft folder and updated it to fit who I want to be starting now in 2023. I want to be someone who prioritizes my mental and physical health. I want my inner person to shine brighter. I will take bold and uncomfortable steps to find who I am and what I love so that I can be the me that I want to be.

As I look at Henry's life, I envy the fact that he has been given and continues to give himself space to pursue only the things that interest him. He does not look for validation from others. He does not let his gross income define his worth and value. He's not afraid to make mistakes and pursues learning every free moment he has. He is present when he spends time with Abigail and me. A life that is so intentional and so true to oneself at every stage of his being. He doesn't feel pressured to take on the beliefs of others just because they are respected or authority figures. I am so fortunate to have married someone who lives a life that I have not been bold enough to live. 2023 is the time I reclaim my life. Maybe that is a true commitment to wellness and self-care.

My Vices

There are a few things that I'll admit keep me away from these wellness goals some I'm embarrassed to admit, but maybe if I admit it, I'll actually deal with it better

  • I am obsessed with Korean Dramas. Absolutely addicted. I binge after Abigail goes to bed. I do not sleep. I just love love. We live in a time period where this is on demand and the filming is so high quality that it's hard not to be captivated by these stories that bring out all types of emotions.

  • Lack of a plan and backup plan for what and when to do something- in Atomic Habits by James Clear - people aren't lazy, they lack planning in being able to do what they want.

  • Lack of a Dream or Pursuit ... well this has been true until two days ago. I can't wait to share more about my new dream and who I want to be, what inspired this, and how I want to achieve that

Okay I'll really put effort in trying out these goals. I promise. After I finish watching The Alchemy of Souls. Just kidding. Kinda.

Note: The thumbtack photo was the night I thankfully got back from the ER after they told me I would stay for overnight monitoring with no estimation of how many days it would take for me to go home. I was overwhelmed and ugly cried the whole time with milk dripping all over the ER gown. They did not let me wear any clothes but a thin painful hospital gown in a cold dark room. I was in pain. I was anxious. They thankfully brought me a pump to relieve me of engorgement. I missed Abigail. I didn't know when I'd see her again. Eventually, the on-call doctors and OB determined that all my symptoms were continuous anxiety attacks that kept my blood pressure high


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