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  • roseeng3

If it's on the Internet, it's there Forever!

Okay. It feels a bit daunting to start a blog. But, if what I put forth in the interwebs is forever, what are the few things I would like to immortalize?

  1. Memories

  2. My Mom's Cantonese Cooking - Especially her soups

  3. My Mother-in-Law's Dumplings - There's something special about the Dumpling Wraps that she makes and no restaurant that I've tried thus far is as satisfying

  4. Introducing Abigail and our future children to new experiences - it's interesting how much more fun it is to introduce a child to new things than pursuing our own satisfaction with new experiences

  5. My Journey, Growth, and Trial and Error as a Professional, Wife, and Mama. The importance of these 3 identities may be in reversed order, but it's currently in the order of experience, I've been a working professional for over 10 years, a wife for a couple of years, and a Mama for a couple of months. I want to strive for excellence in all 3 of these areas. People always say something's gotta give, but why can't we have it all? I know that sounds naive, but I guess I'll soon find out.

I have zero intent to drive traffic to this blog since I'll probably be beet red and I fear my vulnerability will be used against me someday. But I'm going to choose to be brave, and trust that more good than bad can and will come out of this. I am cautiously optimistic, knowing that there are trolls, mean and wicked people out there and that privacy can be an issue. I will learn to deal with that when the time comes.

My intent and hope for this blog is to

  1. Share my amazing Cantonese roots, motivate me to learn my husband's Sichuanese roots, and pass this to Abigail and, God willing, our future children. I have been so Americanized that I fear that the Chinese culture will be lost by my generation.

  2. Help me remember the journey of the human experience, specifically my experience of "when I did not understand" to "how I came to an understanding" and to "what was the lesson" so that I can remember and to empathize, be patient, and to better communicate and love all those around me

  3. Find a community of people that appreciates or finds this content helpful. Whether it's people who are also learning to embrace the Asian side of their Asian American identity in a time where AAPI hate has been on the rise due to the Trump Administration mishandling the COVID crisis, or perhaps people who want to come along with me on my journey as a fairly new wife, and a brand new parent.

Welcome to Gaotown!

xoxo at a safe distance,


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