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  • roseeng3

About Me

Updated: Jan 22, 2023

I am a 1st generation ABC (American Born Chinese) woman born and raised in the Bay Area in California who has recently become a wife and a mother. I am a wife to an Architect/Photographer/Illustrator and whatever title he will earn with so many of his hobbies turning into a source of income. Am I kinda jealous? Yeah, but more proud that I live with someone who I think of as a role model who truly pursues his life interests and trusts that God will provide. This year I earned the title, "Mama", to the most beautiful little human being I've ever laid eyes on. In 2020, I quit an industry that I excelled at after accumulating almost 10 years of experience to try something new while in my first trimester of pregnancy. It was a "now or never" moment and so far it's been the best decision of my professional life.

It's 2021 and I'm starting a blog. It's been a long time since I've blogged. Soooo long. What happened to my xanga page? I hope that embarrassing time capsule is gone forever. Why now? Why even blog? Easy. I have Mom Brain now. For those who don't know what that means, google Dory from Finding Nemo. I found that character somewhat funny, but mostly annoying, until now. I get her. Okay, but forreal - it's because I. am. lost. and I hope that jotting down my thoughts that somehow I'll be able to look back on this journey we call life that I'll help myself find my passion, my voice, and maybe even learn to write better.

I want this to be a blog for the family, hence the name Gaotown. Personally, I will use this as an outlet for raw thoughts & emotions, a place where I learn to articulate my roadblocks (aka excuses) and learn to overcome these things as they can finally be named versus being undefined confusion swirling inside my head and heart. I also want this to be a place where I also document my prized memories, my wins, small or big, and a place of reflection.



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