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  • roseeng3

50 Years from now ... 5 predictions of Technology Lifestyle Advancement

Updated: May 13, 2021

  1. The majority of American's homes will be smart homes

  2. Self-driving vehicles will be everywhere and owned by the majority of Americans (like the household tv or a mobile phone)

  3. Rental clothes will be more common than purchasing clothes

  4. The Tony Stark way of working on a computer where he navigates files in thin air with his hand will be what you see at your local Starbucks. Gone are the days of lugging a heavy laptop or large screen phone

  5. Traveling to space will be the new and trendy vacation experience

I have a nonexistent pulse on technology except what I observe around the Bay Area in Silicon Valley nor have done any research to come up with these 5 predictions, however, if I were to imagine a few tweaks and improvements to our daily lifestyle these are a few things I believe we're close to enabling and why.

  1. Smart Homes. Do I need to say more? Most of you already have Alexa or a Google Home that controls your front door, the garage, your lights, tv, thermostat and etc. Remember the Disney movie from the '90s, Smart House? Many of us will have AI-powered household helpers. Right when you get up in the morning, Alexa will tell you what's on your calendar, the weather, and read to you the news while you pick out your breakfast. As your breakfast is cooking through your smart fridge and smart oven, you start to pick out some styling suggestions based on activities on your calendar for your attire for the day. You choose the ones you're interested in and it is being prepared for you will be ready at your door in 15 to 20 minutes freshly steamed and dry cleaned. Perfect timing for a quick workout, meditation, or shower! Once you're done getting ready, you'll walk over to your garage and get into your self-driving car if you live in the suburbs. If you live in the city, you'll choose the suggested uber vehicles nearby to transport you to your desired location. Working late at work? No problem, Siri had already sent you suggested cuisines to Door Dash. Late to picking up baby from daycare? Siri suggested to you to send a request notifying your Nanny for child pick up. Notification received and pick up is scheduled! What a day!

  2. Self Driving Vehicles will be utilizing energy that does not destroy the Earth. Is it likely the petroleum energy companies will lose despite all their lobbying? No, but there will most likely be a time where clean air vehicles will dominate dense cities and the self-driving technology will advance enough for many (versus the few Tesla drivers) to trust. There may even be a new policy with public self-driving vehicles to have someone present like a train conductor. Uber, you need to get on this!

  3. Clothes are meant to fit humans of all shapes and sizes throughout their life, not the other way around. Seriously we've got to stop trying to "fit in" clothes, and remember to find clothes that flatter your unique shape and size. But what if you don't know what flatters your body? Get a stylist! What if that's too expensive? As a new Mom of a little over 2 months, I recently spent about $500 at Banana Republic due to my postpartum bump and partly due to a desire to update my attire since I honestly have been wearing yoga pants, and pregnancy leggings throughout all of 2020 and now. COVID-19 WFH life right? What will happen when we need to actually go back to work in person again? Regardless of this dilemna, spending money on a stylist, new clothes, and dry cleaning should be a thing of the past. There should be an app that styles you and sends you what you need to look "the part" in less than 30 mins for a subscription with different tiers of styles & deliveries. Then after you're bored or tired of the clothing, just return in the box it came in. If you love the pieces, you can purchase them at a discount since rental clothes may mean it has been used. Doesn't something like this already exists? Stitch Fix, Rent the Runway, Le Tote, and etc? I think one major difference if I were to be Queen is that I'd set up a high-end in-person styling and tailoring shop in SF, NY, and/or LA connected with the app so the client can get live in-person styling tips as well as through a machine learning algorithm on the app. So smile you, beautiful human! Stop trying to fit into clothing, but let it fit you!

  4. Tapping on a Tablet? What are we in the Ice Age? Just take out your hologram projector, the size of a quarter. look through your glasses and you can see your computer and type on any hard surface anywhere! okay I really need to find the TED talk that made me think this is going to happen in my lifetime, but I truly believe that we're close. I think if Steve Jobs was alive, he'd be all over this. I'm probably most excited about this one. Gone are your carpal tunnel computer injuries. Also no excuse for getting out for a walk since you can literally work anywhere! Well of course, I am hoping that Biden truly does manage to upgrade all of the U.S. infrastructure and make wifi available almost anywhere in dense cities. Europe and China already has this on buses, trains, and etc. Why is U.S. soooooooo slow, when most of the "cutting edge" technology is found here? Maybe my news outlets doesn't tell me everything, but tell me how did we "Make America Great Again" in the last 4 years? I bet the whole time Trump scammed America and utilized the power of the office just to make himself and his family richer. If he did, please don't tell me about it because a little less than half of the Americans that voted in 2020 will probably be lame enough to continually support him. Shall we all migrate and become Canadians?

  5. It's impossible to be bored of the earth since it's so beautiful, but if you are and you're rich, you can chill on Moon for the weekend and hang out on Mars if you're on a sabbatical. Elon Musk's company will make space transportation possible, while AirBnB and Trip Advisor curates which part of the Moon is more lovely. And people thought we're about to be out of jobs. C'Mon, can you imagine how the next stock market boom will go with an Outerspace Index? Imagine countries fighting over which part of the Moon to colonize. Well, it will be pretty hard for all these other countries if they don't have the technology to go to space in the first place. Why space? that's how countries have control of satellites, intelligence on other countries, and our most beloved data reception so we can continue to TikTok or IG or whatever it will be in 50 years. My guess of what the new social media would be like is being able to leave a 30 second life-like holographic message to our contacts. Facebook would be ALL over this, since whoever has control over this will be unimaginably wealthy. We seriously have to figure out a way to code in such a way that you can identify a deep fake immediately. Anyways I digress. Let's go to space! While we're at it, let's also make Atlantis real by building homes deep in the ocean.


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